Gum disease is an inflammation of the gum line, which can advance to affect the bone that surrounds and supports your teeth. Gum disease is also known as periodontal disease, which begins with bacterial growth in the mouth. A microbial biofilm that forms on the teeth and gingival is nothing but the localised inflammation of the gingival which is initiated by the bacteria in the dental plaque. At some point in our lives, almost 70 percent of people are affected by this disease. Although most people are unaware of the problem and the issues it can cause, as this is such a common disease.
- Gum disease is one of the common reasons for tooth loss, which develops gradually and damages the teeth in the long run. It is necessary to identify the symptoms of gum diseases like swollen, red, bleeding gums at the earliest stage and to take necessary remedy. Besides poor oral hygiene, there are some illnesses and medications that can cause gum problems. Our expert dentists examine the root cause of gum issues and choose the treatment accordingly. At O Shreeji, we are there to help you with your any type of gum problems and giving you the perfect treatment with the help of dental microscope.
- Scaling and polishing – It is deep cleaning of teeth under Microscope for better removal of tartar and stains.
- Periodontal flap surgery when performed under Microscope removes severely damaged tissue and gives excellent results.
There are a few non-surgical treatments like scaling and root planning and some surgical gum treatments like painless laser, periodontal surgery, gingivoplasty, etc to cure gum diseases with help of a dental microscope.
Treatment options for gum diseases
The option of treatment depends on the stage of gum disease, your medical history as well your overall health.
The treatment options are non-surgical treatments and surgical treatments.
The Non-Surgical Options Include:
Deep Cleaning
This is done at the very early stage of developing gum infection. Plaque or tartar (which hardens the tooth surface) from below and above the gum line is cleared. It is a precautionary measure that helps you to avoid getting gum disease.
Scaling & Root Planing
This is a method of deep cleaning as well. After removing plaque and tartar from above and below the gum line, rough spots are made smooth. This process helps to remove the bacteria. This process is only done when your dentist finds out that you have a good amount of deposits under the gum.
Surgical Treatment Includes:
Flap Surgery
In this process, the tartar is removed by making an incision on the gums. The uneven surface of the bone is often smoothed so that there are no places in which bacteria causing this disease can hide and grow. This method is used to remove the space between gums and tooth.
Bone Graft
Bone is regenrated by this method. The dentist uses bits of synthetic bone, donated bone or your own bone which is used to replace the bone damaged due to gum disease.
Soft Tissue Graft
If the gums are receded, this technique is used. Gums are taken from the mouth roof and is stitched to the gum recession area.
Guided Tissue Regeneration
This treatment is done along flap surgery when the bone which supports your teeth are damaged. A small piece of mesh-like fabric will be inserted between your bone and gum tissue.
- Brush your teeth twice daily
- Regular flossing removes plaque between your teeth.
- Visit your dentist after every 6 months for a routine check-up
- Quit smoking and tobacco chewing

Gum treatment

There are various treatments included in Gum treatment, which are :
- Flap surgery/Pocket Reduction Surgery
- Soft tissue Graft
- Gingivectomy
- Laser Treatment
- Guided Tissue regeneration
- Scaling and Root Planning
Flap surgery/Pocket reduction Surgery
Flap surgery is advised for patients who have advanced Periodontal disease. During this procedure the gums are lifted back and the tartar is removed. In some cases, irregular surfaces of the damage are smoothed to limit areas where disease causing bacteria can hide. The gums are then placed so that the tissue fits snugly around the tooth. This method reduces the size of the space between the gum and tooth. Thereby decreasing the areas where harmful bacteria can grow and decreasing the chances of serious health problem associated with periodontal disease.
Non-surgical approach to treat the gums disease is scaling and polishing –removing plaque and tartar around the teeth and between the gums and teeth.
What is flap surgery?
It is done under local anaesthesia. Dentist separates the flap from the teeth and gains access to the infected portion of the gums and removes all the infected portion and unwanted debris, calculus, plaque, tartar and granulation tissue thus removing causal factor of the gum disease preventing further damage to underlying tissue. Dentist can also place synthetic bone graft if required to get the desired amount of bone for tooth support.
It’s time to consult your dentist, when you have any of the below signs:
- Bleeding while brushing
- Foul smell and pus discharge from gums
- Swollen gums around the teeth
- Gums that get receded from their actual position on teeth
Soft tissue Graft
This Procedure reinforces thin gums or fills in places where gums have receded. Grafted tissue most often taken from the roof of the mouth The grafted tissue is then stitched in place, adding tissue to the affected area.
Excision of gingiva by removing the diseased pocket wall thereby exposing the tooth surface which provides the visibility and accessibility that are essential for the complete removal of irritating surface deposits and through smoothening of the roots.
Indications :
- Suprabony pocket
- Fibrous Enlargement
- Crown Lengthening
- Perio-aestethic
- Supra-bony Periodontal Abscess
Laser Treatment
Laser Surgery is used in removal of diseased or inflamed soft tissue in the periodontal pocket. It has capability to atraumatically treat soft tissue with little to no bleeding.
Lasers have been promoted for clinical crown lengthening without gingival reflection for both aesthetic and prosthetic reasons.
Guided Tissue Regeneration
This procedure is performed when the supporting bone of your teeth has been destroyed. It stimulates bone and gum tissue growth. The Regeneration is done in combination with Flap surgery, bone graft and a small piece of mesh-like fabric(membrane). A membrane is inserted between the bone and gum tissue. This membrane allows the bone to grow where it is required & soft tissue where it is required.
Scaling and Root Planning
This is a deep cleaning non-surgical procedure done under a local anesthetic whereby plaque and tartar from above and below the gum line are removed and rough spots on the tooth are made smooth. Smoothing the rough spots removes the bacteria and provides a clean surface for the gums to reattach to the teeth.
Other Gum Treatments :
- Frenectomy
- Vestibuloplasty
- Tongue tie removal
- Gingivoplasty
- Gingival Troughing