At O Shreeji Dental Clinic, we offer the below four types of dental Surgeries : -
- Alveoloplasty
- Dental Extraction
- Cyst removal
- Apicectomy
1. Alveoloplasty
A dental pre-prosthetic procedure to smoothen or re-contour the jawbone. The surgery is performed usually after tooth extraction or tooth loss due to injury or accident.
2. Dental extraction
Dental extraction or tooth extraction is the removal of tooth/teeth from its socket in the bone. Extraction is performed when there is too much damage due to decay, fracture or any injury and tooth can’t be restored by any means. There are two types of extractions.
2.1 Simple extraction
Simple extraction is done when the tooth is visible in the mouth. The dentist loosens the teeth using elevator and removes the tooth using forceps. It is done very carefully using local anaesthesia.
2.2 Surgical extraction
In Surgical extraction, the surgeon makes a small incision (cut) into the gum to surgically remove the impacted tooth. It’s a complex procedure as the tooth has not erupted or is broken off at the gum line. Hence, sometimes some of the bone has to be removed or the tooth is cut into two parts for extraction.
3. Cyst removal
Dental cyst is a sac of tissue with fluid or some soft material inside it. It usually forms at the tip of the roots of dead teeth or around the crowns of buried teeth. Root canal and surgical treatment is carried to remove cyst.
Procedure : The gum flap around the cyst is raised and a small window is prepared. The cyst is carefully separated from its bony wall and if needed, some portion of root is also separated. The cavity is cleaned by the procedure known as curettage. Now the gum flap is sutured back to its position. Antibiotics and analgesics are prescribed according to the infection and cyst size.

4. Apicectomy
A procedure to remove the tip of the root of the tooth known as apex is known as Apicectomy.
It is performed when :
Root canal is not enough to heal the tooth ache/injury.
There’s a persistent infection or cyst around a root tip after root canal treatment of if a dentist is unable to cover the root tip with root filing.