What can I do if I have a discolored tooth ?
You can choose cosmetic treatments like teeth whitening, composite veneering, full crowns and laminates according to the kind of discoloration you have. Dentist will recommend you the best treatment you require.
Is tooth whitening bad for enamel ?
There is no permanent damage caused to the enamel or any other tooth structures by tooth whitening. With good home care and regular visits to your dentist, modern materials can last for many years, and possibly decades. Like most things, excellent maintenance will extend the life of your dental restorations.
How will my new smile look like ?
Your dentist will work with you in choosing the right look for you. A smile enhancement can be made to look both dramatic and natural. Your dentist can use photographs (in a process called cosmetic imaging) and models to show you what to expect. Sometimes, trial materials can be placed directly on your teeth to help you visualize the change. Ask your dentist what can be done to give you the smile you desire.
How many visits will it take to fix my teeth and improve my smile ?
This varies with each individual, depending on the need. Sometimes, you can dramatically improve your oral health and appearance in just a couple of visits. Most dentists will work to make your treatment as convenient as possible, perhaps choosing slightly longer visits instead of frequent trips to the office. Discuss your goals and concerns with your dentist so the best plan can be developed for your individual situation. If you start today, a new smile can be your’s sooner than you think.
Does tooth whitening cause permanent teeth sensitivity ?
Sensitivity from tooth whitening is always transient. That means if there is any sensitivity caused by the whitening, it goes away within 1-2 days after the treatment, and the patient returns to the state of sensitivity he or she had prior to the whitening process.
How long does teeth whitening last ?
Typically you can expect whitening to last from six months to two years, although some studies report results lasting up to 10 years. Avoiding red wine, coffee, and smoking—all of which can cause staining—helps preserve the results.
Can I get my teeth whitened ?
Most people are candidates for tooth whitening, but again, each situation is unique and it’s best to contact your dental professional.
I don’t like my teeth or smile. What can i do ?
A wide variety of options are available to improve tooth function and how your smile looks. Check out our “cosmetic procedures” section to see how other patients with similar problems were helped, then look for an dentist near you to get started on your new smile. Cosmetic procedures like teeth whitening, cosmetic composite (single sitting), composite veneering, and e-max crowns can help you get beautiful smile.
Is the agent used in teeth whitening toxic ?
Products developed from carbamide peroxide, hydrogen peroxide, and urea (substances found in every human cell), should be used cautiously to alleviate concern. Those who have issues are the ones who don’t follow instructions and overuse the products for months or years.
If my teeth are reshaped for veneers or crowns, what will they look like? Will they be sensitive ?
Generally, cemented restorations, such as crowns or veneers (see the procedure section), will require two visits: one to shape the teeth and one to cement the restorations to the teeth. Between visits, your dentist can place attractive provisional restorations to help prevent sensitivity, allow limited function, and provide a nice smile. These temporaries are designed to be in your mouth for a limited time, but should be comfortable and natural looking until your new smile is completed.
How should I take care of my crown ?
To prevent damaging or fracturing the crown, avoid chewing hard foods, ice or other hard objects. You also have to avoid teeth grinding. Brushing twice a day, cleaning between your teeth is vital with crowns. Floss or interdental cleaners (specially shaped brushes and sticks) are important tools to remove plaque from the crown area where the gum meets the tooth. Plaque in that area can cause dental decay and gum disease.
How long do crowns last ?
Crowns should last approximately five to eight years. However, with good oral hygiene and supervision, most crowns will last for a much longer period of time. Some damaging habits like grinding of the teeth, chewing ice or fingernail biting may cause this period of time to decrease significantly.
What is difference between cap and crown ?
There is no difference between a cap and a crown.
Why crown and not veneer ?
Crowns are typically recommended because too much tooth has been lost due to decay or fracture that cannot be replaced with a filling. A crown covers the entire tooth to protect it. A veneer only covers the visible part of the tooth and is primarily used to change the appearance of the tooth.
How is a crown placed ?
To prepare the tooth for a crown, it is reduced so the crown can fit over it. An impression or “mold” is taken of the teeth and gums and sent to the lab for the crown fabrication. A temporary crown is fitted over the tooth until the permanent crown is made. On the next visit, the dentist removes the temporary crown and cements the permanent crown onto the tooth.
Can anyone receive dental implants ?
There can be some limitations that depend on the individual oral hygiene and current oral health. You must be in good health and have the proper bone structure and gums for the implant to stay in place. People who are unable to wear dentures can be good candidate. If you suffer from chronic problems such as clenching or bruxism or systemic diseases such as diabetes the success rate for implant decreases dramatically. Additionally the people who smoke and drink alcohol may not be good candidates.
If I want dental a implant how do I start the process ?
Getting dental implants begins as every dental procedure does: with a visit to your general dentist. He or she is in the best position to consider your request, examine your current condition and your past records, and then help you to make an informed decision. Your general dentist can then refer you to a specialist—or several specialists—who are trained to handle your specific dental concerns. Learn more about dental implants.
What problem can occur with dental implant ?
Sometimes a very small percentage of dental implants are rejected by the body’s natural immune system. Generally the average implant rejection rate is 4%. If an implant is rejected by the patient’s immune system, then there are number of clinical remedies which fix the problem.
Do I need 2 or 4 implants for overdenture ?
Whether you need two or four dental implants is an individual decision. There are several considerations to be thoroughly explored by you and your dental professional before proceeding with two or four implants.
Is dental implant painful ?
Most patients do experience some minor discomfort the first day after their dental implant surgery and may still have a little residual pain the second day, but when compared to tooth extraction, dental implants tend to be less painful.
What can I expect during this procedure ?
The gums are then secured over the implant, which will remain covered until it fuses with the bone. This usually takes about 3-6 months. The dentist then uncovers the implant and attaches an extension, or post, to the implant. With some implants, the implant and post is a single unit placed in the mouth during the initial surgery. Finally, the dentist makes an artificial tooth, or crown, that is attached to the implant post. It will be as if you never lost your tooth.
How long does the process take ?
Placing an implant takes just 40 to 45 minutes. However the process of providing teeth over the implant may take up to 3 to 9 months to complete, again this depends on the patient’s oral health and healing power. Each patient heals differently, so times will vary. After the implant and posts are placed surgically, the healing process can take up to six months and the fitting of replacement teeth no more than 2 months. Sometimes, if a patient has good bone quality, posts can be placed and replacement teeth fitted in one appointment.
Why should I replace a missing tooth ?
The empty space in your mouth creates many problems including migration on the adjacent tooth to the empty space, extrusion of the opposite arch tooth in that empty space. It creates unbalanced bite and stress on the remaining teeth.
Am I a candidate for dental implant ?
The right candidacy of implants will rely upon your general and oral health. Mainly, it is your jawbone that needs to be adequately present to support the implant. You should also be with your healthy gums; free from gum disease. Consulting your dentist will exactly tell you what to do and how. Get a dental appointment to know your best candidacy. The dental implants India consultation offers the best dentistry solutions. At present, the world is also benefiting the best and most affordable services from dental implants surgeons in India.
Why should I go for flap surgery ?
- Pus discharge from the gums
- Swollen and unhealthy gums which makes the teeth mobile
- To remove subgingival calculus (tartar below the gums)
What is a bone graft and do I need it after a tooth extraction ?
After an extraction you are left with a hollow area in the jaw bone. It is advisable to have a bone graft placed in the tooth socket to help keep this area intact and to preserve the bone for future treatments such as dental implant.
Can I keep my wisdom teeth ?
You certainly can keep your wisdom teeth if they are not causing any issues for you. If they are impacted and not causing you any pain and they are not impinging on the nearby teeth or buccal mucosa (cheek) then you may keep your wisdom teeth. If they have erupted and you are using them to chew and you can properly clean and maintain them then you can keep your wisdom teeth.
When do I need to have my tooth extracted ?
If your tooth has been in pain for a long time and has severely decayed and broken down it is not possible to save it at this time. An extraction is needed. Most times a tooth with pain can be saved with a root canal therapy if it is still intact. If finances are an issue then you might have to consider an extraction in order to become pain free. Also if the tooth has severe bone loss and periodontal disease and is infected it cannot be saved and is in need for an extraction.
Do LASERS have any effects on other soft tissues or skin of face ?
No, they don’t have any effect on tissues of body and face. They are totally safe.
Why and when should I go for a LASER treatment ?
LASER treatment can be done in many cases like swollen gums, grade 1 mobile tooth, periodontically weakened tooth in combination with flap surgery, to reshape the gums, to get the gummy smile corrected, to lengthen the height of the tooth for fixed prosthesis like crown and bridge.
Do I feel pain during LASER procedure ?
Absolutely not, LASER procedure is performed under local anesthesia so that there is no pain.
What happens after treatment ?
Natural tissue inflammation may cause discomfort for a few days, which can be controlled by an over-the-counter analgesic. A follow-up exam can monitor tissue healing. From this point on, brush and floss regularly, and avoid chewing hard foods with the treated tooth. Once the tooth is symptom free, you will need to return to have the tooth fitted for a crown.
What are the risks and complications ?
More than 95% of root canal treatments are successful. However, sometimes a procedure needs to be redone due to diseased canal offshoots that went unnoticed or the fracture of a filing instrument, both of which rarely occur. Occasionally, a root canal therapy will fail altogether, marked by a return of pain.
What is involved in root canal therapy ?
Once doctor performs tests on the tooth and recommends therapy, he or she can perform the treatment or refer you to pulp specialist. Treatment usually involves 1-3 appointments. First, you will be given a local anesthetic to numb the area. Next, an opening is made from the crown into the pulp chamber (where the infected nerve is), which, along with the root canal, is cleaned of all diseased pulp and reshaped. Medication is inserted into the area to fight bacteria. Depending on the condition of the tooth, the crown may then be sealed temporarily to guard against recontamination, the tooth may be left open to drain, or doctor may go right ahead and fill the canals. If you’re given a temporary filling, usually on the next visit it’s removed and the pulp chamber and canal(s) are filled with gutta-percha or another material to prevent recontamination. If the tooth is still weak, a metal post may be inserted above the canal filling to reinforce the tooth. Once filled, the area is permanently sealed. Finally, a gold or porcelain crown is normally placed over the tooth to strengthen its structure and improve appearance.
When do I need Re- RCT ?
When there is incomplete filling done in previous RCT or any canal is left to fill it leads to sensitivity of the teeth. Any tooth with periapical infection needs re-rct.
What is root canal procedure ?
A root canal is a procedure done to save the damaged or dead pulp in the root canal of the tooth by cleaning out the diseased pulp and reshaping the canal. The canal is filled with a rubberlike substance called gutta-percha or another material to prevent recontamination of the tooth. The tooth is then permanently sealed, with possibly a post and/or a crown made of porcelain or metal alloy. This enables patients to keep the original tooth.
Why do I need root canal therapy ?
Root canal therapy is necessary because the tooth will not heal by itself. Without treatment, the infection will spread, bone around the tooth will begin to degenerate, and the tooth may fall out. Pain usually worsens until one is forced to seek emergency dental attention. The only alternative is usually extraction of the tooth, which can cause surrounding teeth to shift crookedly, resulting in a bad bite. Though an extraction is cheaper, the space left behind will require an implant or a bridge, which can be more expensive than root canal therapy. If you have the choice, it’s always best to keep your original teeth.
Why do I feel pain ?
When the pulp becomes infected due to a deep cavity or fracture that allows bacteria to seep in, or it gets injured due to trauma, it can die. Damaged or dead pulp causes increased blood flow and cellular activity, and pressure cannot be relieved from inside the tooth. Pain in the tooth is commonly felt when biting down, chewing on it and applying hot or cold foods and drinks.